Turnaround time is defined as the usual number of days from the date of pickup of a specimen for testing to when the result is released to the ordering provider. In some cases, additional time should be allowed for additional confirmatory or additional reflex tests. Testing schedules may vary.
Prothrombin time (PT) is a test that helps evaluate the body’s ability to appropriately form blood clots. The international normalized ratio or INR is a calculation based on results of a PT that is used to monitor individuals who are being treated with the blood-thinning medication (anticoagulant) warfarin (Coumadin®).
A PT measures the number of seconds it takes for a clot to form in a sample of blood after substances (reagents) are added. The PT is often performed along with a partial thromboplastin time (PTT) and together they assess the amount and function of proteins called coagulation factors that are an important part of proper blood clot formation.
In the body, when there is an injury and bleeding occurs, the clotting process called hemostasis begins. This process involves in part a series of sequential chemical reactions called the coagulation cascade, in which coagulation or “clotting” factors are activated one after another and result in the formation of a clot. There must be a sufficient quantity of each coagulation factor, and each must function properly, in order for normal clotting to occur. Too little can lead to excessive bleeding or bleeding disorder; too much may lead to excessive clotting.
In a test tube during a laboratory test, there are two “pathways” that can initiate clotting, the so-called extrinsic and intrinsic pathways. Both of these then merge into a common pathway to complete the clotting process.
The PT test evaluates how well all of the coagulation factors in the extrinsic and common pathways of the coagulation cascade work together. Included are factors I (Fibrinogen), II (Prothrombin), V, VII and X.
The PT/INR may be done at the same time as a PTT, which evaluates the clotting factors that are part of the intrinsic and common pathways: XII, XI, IX, VIII, X, V, II (prothrombin), and I (fibrinogen) as well as prekallikrein (PK) and high molecular weight kininogen (HK).
The PT and PTT evaluate the overall ability to produce a clot in a reasonable amount of time and, if any of these factors are deficient in quantity or not functioning properly, the test results will be prolonged.
Statement on Medical Necessity
All ordered tests should be medically necessary for the diagnosis or detection of disease, illness, impairment, symptom, syndrome, or disorder and the results should be used in the medical management and treatment decisions for the patient. Solaris requires ICD-10 codes with each order for lab testing and both the tests ordered and the diagnosis should be documented in the provider’s medical record for the patient. The United States Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General, takes the position that a provider who orders medically unnecessary tests may be subject to civil penalties.
Panels and Profiles
Solaris offers Providers the convenience of ordering test combinations in a group at times with the flexibility to choose appropriate test(s) for individual patients. Providers should only order those tests that he or she believes are medically necessary for each patient, and a lesser inclusive profile or individual tests should be ordered if not all tests in the test combination/profile are medically necessary. All tests offered in a test combination/profile may be ordered separately as individual tests. Solaris encourages clients to contact their Solaris representative if the testing configurations shown do not meet individual needs for any reason, or if some other combination of procedures is needed.
CPT Codes
CPT Codes listed are in accordance with Current Procedural Terminology, a publication of the American Medical Association. CPT codes are the responsibility of the billing party and are listed here for informational purposes. Correct coding may vary from one carrier to another. Solaris may bill specific carriers using codes other than what is shown.
For questions or inquiries related to testing please reach out to
customerservice@solarisdx.com or contact us by phone at (844) 550-0308.
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